Re: Role and function of the docs team


I totally agree with you.

Ever six months, gnome reaches feature freeze. The doc
writers go forth and explore every single bit of the
As you later correctly say - this is impossible. Documenting from the outside in is not producing meaningful docs - if a documenter is able to deduce things from the outside - so would the user. If a documenter was not able to deduce things - most probably the most needed documentation would be lost.

new gnome, and bring the docs up to date accordingly.
Docs laaaag.
Their translations - much more so.

We're operating on a skeleton crew, and even if we had
a full complement of doc writers, equipped with easy
access to current builds (such as VMs), I don't think
it's the correct way to go about it.
Still - easing the access to builds will alleviate the situation somewhat.

Reason 1: it's a big crunch. The GDP almost shuts down
for months, and then has to go into overdrive to get
the work done.
And people burn.

Volunteers lose interest when there's
nothing to do, and don't necessarily want to work in
the few weeks leading to release. It's also stressful
and non-fun. We need to spread the workload throughout
the cycle.
Unsurmountable problems are also putting off people.

Reason 2: too much time is wasting feature hunting.
Documentation writing shouldn't involve trying every
single bit of an application on the offchance
something has changed. It's a far more efficient use
of our time if we have a list of what's changed.
ChangeLogs help, but not completely as the connection between code and user point of view is often murky.

Take for example the new button in the Nautilus path
bar. This was implemented at the end of July. Given a
screenshot to go by, the required changes could have
been made to the User Guide back then. As it is, the
bug is still open (348841, by the way).
I think developers should just sketch the new functions - not sth like full docs - just an overview.

I think the docs team should be notified of interface
changes as they are made, preferably with screenshots.
Yep. If there are notifications of string breaks, there could be notifications for interface breaks.

> Developers need to understand that
writers probably don't have access to builds, and will
need screenshots -- not production quality ones, just
so we can see what's going on.
Even developers do not push everything up to CVS versions - maybe some libraries and few apps. Doc writers have to push up everything.

Kind regards:

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