Re: Avoiding the name of an application in Menus?

--- Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org> wrote:
> You don't need to display the generic name
> everywhere.
> Here's an analogy: Let's say you head downtown, and
> there's this wonderful bakery and café.  Fro the
> sake
> of argument, let's say it's called Pekara.  They
> have
> their name written on the awning outside, and it
> says
> something like "Pekara - Café and Bakery".  That
> way,
> when you're walking by, you know exactly what it is.
> But they don't have to subtext every single
> occurrence
> of their name.
> Similarly, a menu item can say "Epiphany Web
> Browser",
> but we don't have to write that whole bit everywhere
> we mention Epiphany.  In fact, the title of the help
> file can just be "Epiphany Help", because we can
> also
> provide a long description that will be shown in
> Yelp.
> Using generic names in the menu is simply a matter
> of
> discoverability.  If you see just "Epiphany" in the
> menu, how are you supposed to know what it is?  But
> if you have "Epiphany Web Browser", you immediately
> know that it's a web browser, and you also know it's
> named Epiphany.  Once you have the application open,
> we don't have to constantly tell you that it's a web
> browser.  We can just use the name Epiphany.

Yeah, that's a good way of putting it.
I over-simplified in my earlier email.

The situation we have at the moment with some apps is
like walking into the cafe, ordering a lemonade, and
having a mysterious container labelled 'Slurm' brought
to you. You have no idea what it is, or even if it has
anything to do with your order if there was a delay in
it arriving.

To be more concrete, Gedit is still called 'Text
Editor' in my menu, even though I have other editors,
Bluefish and SciTE installed. Because they don't come
under the same category, Gedit is still the only text
editor under Accessories, so it hasn't changed its
But that means that when I get a list of editors to
open a text file with in Nautilus, one of the items on
the list is the rather mysterious 'Text Editor'.

I think this menu-name changing feature is a good idea
in the abstract, but there are too many unfortunate
consequences of its implementation.

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