Re: admiting to our flaws

--- Ryan Paul <gaerdin gmail com> wrote:

> Karderio couldn't replicate the Ataxx bug on his own
> computer, and
> mentioned that it could be specific to my
> distribution. 

The Ataxx developer has added a note to the wiki page
to say that the bug has been fixed for the next
Hooray for docs on the wiki!

I have noticed
> that the screenshot of Ataxx on the GNOME Live wiki
> (apparently added
> yesterday) shows at least one feature that isn't in
> the version that I
> used while writing the documentation. Should I get
> the latest version
> from cvs and update the documentation accordingly as
> I am rewriting it
> in docbook format?

If you're comfortable compiling an app yourself, sure.
However, this is not something that's expected of
documentation writers (I've tried compiling, failed,
and given up).


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