Re: Empathy help card sort

By the way, I've been pondering making some Mallard
utilities, and something I think would be nice would
be a program to create cards for a card sort from a
list of topic pages.  I'm just not sure what kind of
paper stock to lay things out for.

Without such a utility, I had to write each one out
by hand.  To get a list of titles and descs, I used
the awesome xmlstarlet utility.  If it's not in your
distro's repos, complain.  Here's the command I used:

xmlstarlet sel -N mal=
 -t -i "/mal:page/@type = 'topic'"
 -v "normalize-space(/mal:page/mal:title)" --nl
 -v "normalize-space(/mal:page/mal:info/mal:desc)"
 --nl *.page

Run that in the directory containing page files.


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