Mallard Site

Hey folks,

I've been working on for the last few days.
I'm working on building static pages from sources.  We haven't
really been making a lot of use of the current Drupal setup,
and the static content we need to serve (the spec and schemas)
throw a monkey wrench into using a CMS.

Anyway, the latest build is here:

This is actually all built with Mallard.  More correctly,
it's built with a Mallard extension I call "Mallard Sites".
It's an extension to how links are handled that allows you
to build hierarchical collections of pages.  I'll put a
spec for Sites on the site itself.

You can grab the source and build it yourself.  First, you
need yelp-xsl from

  git clone git://

Then you need mallard-site-tool, a small tool and some XSLT
customization for yelp-xsl for building Mallard Sites:

You need to build and install these as you would for any
other package:

  make install (as root or with sudo)

Now you need the projectmallard git repository:

You can build a copy of the site that you can use and view
on your local machine with the following two commands:

  mallard-site-tool cache -s local
  mallard-site-tool html -s local

The sources are really just Mallard documents.  In a few
cases, you may notice that xref attributes have slashes
in them.  But otherwise, it should look really familiar
to anybody who's worked with Mallard.  Please feel free
to make changes and try them out.  And let me know what
you think about the whole setup.

Shaun McCance

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