Re: Revisit "your name on the top bar"

Hi all,

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Kelly Sinnott <ksinnott5ht gmail com> wrote:
Ok, I just did a test on two people, both Windows users who are completely unfamiliar with GNOME:

#1 is a bit more comfortable with computers. I told him to "click the menu in the upper right corner" He went straight for the right place with his mouse and clicked it. He suggested that I add "far upper right" (possibly because my monitor is obscenely big)(.

#2 uses Windows regularly but is a bit hesitant. I told her the same thing. She moused around in the corner, asking "is this a menu? which one is the menu?" she opened all of them, so I'm assuming she would have eventually found a menu item she was directed to click. She thinks that we should describe the icon next to the name, since that will still be there. She called it the "text box", the "chat bubble", the "word bubble", and "the balloon like in the comics"...not a bad idea since we use descriptions of the other icons, like the accessibility person. 

I like the use of "menu in the far upper right corner," because it is specific on location without requiring us to describe what it looks like. Perhaps even calling it the "user bubble menu, placed in the upper right corner," could work. That's an awful lot of words, though. I can try these approaches out on some coffee house folks tomorrow and report back.

Does anyone know of any threads where the shell developers are calling it anything? It would be good to know if they are already using any words so that we can contribute to those discussions, too.  (Or at least let them know that we're thinking of words for this feature, too.)


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