Re: Proposal: GNOME Docs String Freeze


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On Tue, 2017-05-30 at 16:03 -0400, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
The Ubuntu Docs team currently intends to ship gnome-user-docs in the
Ubuntu 17.10 default install with a minimal "overlay" to keep a few
Ubuntu-specific customizations in the separate package ubuntu-docs.
Furthermore, the Ubuntu Docs team intends to ship the GNOME
translations for gnome-user-docs. I see one issue: Ubuntu tries not to
break translations when providing stable release updates.

Specific example (but I don't intend to criticize anybody here):
gnome-user-docs 3.24.0 had a string change about an hour and a half
before the tarball was released, which was not enough time for any
language to get translations for that string. More changes were made
after that point but there was not much translating done before 3.24.2

My understanding of why GNOME doesn't have a docs string freeze is
that to some extent, the UI needs to be frozen for docs to be
finalized. Also, we don't want to put arbitrary roadblocks in the way
of anyone making great contributions to our docs.

My understanding is that the currently non-existing documentation
string freeze is a result of missing (wo)manpower and the tight release
schedule. Assuming that any "late" changes are actual bug fixes and not
cosmetic changes (please correct me if I'm wrong), I'd prefer correct
documentation in English to incorrect (but translated) documentation.

Proposed gnome-user-docs schedule for GNOME 3.26

1. Docs String Freeze at the GNOME 3.26.0 release. At that point, a
gnome-user-docs tarball would be released and the gnome-user-docs git
repo branched for gnome-3-26. Any new string changes can go to the
master branch.
2. gnome-user-docs tarball release for 3.26.1 and .2. The 3.26.1
release should be on time for it to be included in Ubuntu 17.10,
assuming Ubuntu 17.10 goes with GNOME 3.26.

Not sure if I understand correctly, but if no string changes should
happen after the 3.26.0 release, why release tarballs for .1 and .2 if
they would not include changes?

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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