Re: [gnome-es] GNOME Games 2.29.x]

El problema era con Quadrapassel y con Swell Foop. No se muy bien como "españolizarlo"... "GNOME Tetris" y "GNOME Iguales" queda un poco feo ¿no?

Yo lo que tú me digas... no me cuesta nada cambiarlo. Y por supuesto, si alguien de la lista tiene alguna sugerencia, será bienvenida :-)

Gracias por tu ayuda y un saludo


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jorge González González" <aloriel gmail com> To: "Gnome Traductores" <gnome-es-list gnome org>; "Daniel Mustieles" <daniel mustieles gmail com>
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 7:03 PM
Subject: [Fwd: GNOME Games 2.29.x]


te reenvío un correo de gnome-games a ver si te ayuda ;) Si puedes
«españolizarlo» bien, si no, déja el nombre que le ha dado el

Un saludo.

There have been a radical number of changes in master which concern
documentation and translation teams. Lightsoff is merged. Blackjack is
gone. Gnometris is renamed to Quadrapassel. Same GNOME was replaced
with Same GNOME Clutter and renamed to Swell Foop. I have done my best
to sed all your help and translation files to point to the new correct
file names but obviously there are some new strings that didn't exist
before in some cases. I am not as familiar with all of the internals
of these two pieces as some, so please let me know if you see any

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Jorge González González <aloriel gmail com>

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