Re: [gnome-flashback] Metacity Theme Viewer

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 7:47 AM, Khurshid Alam <khurshid alam linuxmail org> wrote:
On Sun, Feb 7, 2016 at 8:31 AM, Alberts Muktupāvels <alberts muktupavels gmail com> wrote:

if someone cares about metacity-theme-viewer then it might be best time to build gtk+ and metacity from git master branches.

What is it exactly?

If you have never used it then you probably don't care about it. It is an application that is supposed to preview window decorations - you can select theme and see how decorations will look without changing actual theme.

Can I change metacity theme with it?

Because with Gnome-Tweak-Tool it is not possible to change metacity theme any more.

Yes, that is because I stopped using org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme. First it is not used by GNOME anymore so that key will be removed. Also GNOME Tweak Tool removed that setting when mutter switched to GTK+ theme.
In fact there is no gui way other than using dconf-editor.

Yes, and probably it will remain only configurable by dconf-editor. At least I don't plan to provide any GUI for this. It would be nice if GNOME Control Center would restore option for external settings panel, then metacity could provide one. I have not tried to open bug for it, bet most likely they will not be interested in it.

Metacity 3.20 again has different setting path to set theme. Theme settings now will be under org.gnome.metacity.theme schema and there are two settings:
1) type - gtk or metacity
2) name - theme name if type == metacity

By default metacity will use GTK+ theme just like mutter. If you want use old metacity themes you will need to change type to metacity and set name to valid theme. Also metacity will no longer ship any metacity theme!

Can it be compiled with GTK-3.18?

No, but metacity-theme-viewer has been available for long time. If you have installed metacity then you also have metacity-theme-viewer. In 3.20 it completely rewritten. 

Alberts Muktupāvels

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