RE: Gnome Key Binding Standard

>I disagree; I think the specific bindings _are_ important.  I think having
>good, fairly standardized (whatever that means) defaults is very
>important, because that's what 95% of users will use, especially if GNOME
>will be used for end-user systems.  If the defaults are good enough, then

Default for who? For English users?
I can live (even prefer) with English oriented menus and keybindings (but
with support for Spanish docs, of course). But other guys will prefer a full
Spanish Gnome, including keybindings. Keybindings should be related to the
languaje (all keybinding so far are English related).
Please i18n. In the same way that ther is a way to adapt the text, a way for
the keybindings should be implemented (customization?).

>contend that, at least working towards a 1.0 release, making the bindings
>user-configurable isn't very important.  What's important is to get a

Yes, it is, cos you do two things from the begining: i18n and user


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