Re: Tab Order

Scott Goehring wrote:
> "Dan" == Dan \"Effugas\" Kaminsky <Dan> writes:
> Dan> OK, in tune with my "Lets work on the things that piss people off
> Dan> first" manifesto...
> Dan> I wanna GC1 good tab order.  Straight down, or L->R->D, or in a
> Dan> user configurable language order, I don't care.  It just has to
> Dan> be consistent.
> Dan> Oh yes--shift-tab ought to be back-order.
> Can you turn this into something probative?  Requiring that every
> application "have a tab order" serves no purpose.  You're going to
> have to differentiate acceptable and unacceptable tab orders in some
> way that can be understood by users of the style guide.

No problem being specific - my understanding is (from using Windose
programs) that you can tab between elements in a dialog box - whatever
the order is, it should be sensible - the user shouldn't have to hunt
for the active element after pressing tab - he should be able to
anticipate where the focus is going when he presses the tab key.  This
is obviously separate from word processing documents and spreadsheets
(less so than word processing).

> (And what about applications, such as a word processor or spreadsheet,
> in which tab has a different meaning?)
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