UISG Notification Sample Length Standardization

This is in response to the subject mentioned, but it holds for the guide
in general.  I don't think it's a good idea to have strict rules on
these things - 2 seconds for a sound sample might hold well for most
applications, but there will be an application out there (use, not
program) that can not be done well in 2 seconds or less.  I think it
would be better if we stated a goal of 2 seconds or less unless it can
be demonstrated that the only good way is more than 2 seconds - don't
withhold certification just because they would have to do a bad
implementation to meet the standards.

I do realize that this is a guide - as such it is meant to be broken if
there is a good reason.  I think we need to keep that in mind when we
specify the gnome compliance levels.  If good cause can be demonstrated
for not conforming to a specific guideline, and what is implemented is
in the spirit of the guideline, then it should pass.

I think 2 seconds for sounds is not an unreasonable limit.  At the same
time, I don't want applications hacked for having a sound bite 2.25
seconds long because it sounds weird to compress it to 2 seconds.

--Jim Smith

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