Re: Reflections on Gnome from longtime GUI User..

Justin Sher writes:
 > gpanel- Looks pretty good.  
 > 	What's this thing over on the right hand side?  Some sort of biff? 
 > It's a little big.. Maybe you could fit four of those things in neatly on
 > the right hand side. They could be in a grid or something.  That would be
 > cool. BTW, these things need tool tips! 
 > 	The sliding animation is totally gratuitous and gets very dull and
 > aggravating about the second or third time I see it.  At least have it
 > turned off by default.

Try this with a horizontal panel (vertical could use the same
algorithm).  Looks pretty keen.  It accellerates the animation
linearly until the midpoint, then decellerates linearly.  Much faster,
but still gives you a good sense of movement.

--- panel.c~    Wed Jan 21 18:45:39 1998
+++ panel.c     Thu Feb 19 10:04:02 1998
@@ -83,16 +83,18 @@
 move_horiz(int src_x, int dest_x)
        int x;
+       int mid = (src_x + dest_x) >> 1;
+       int half = abs(src_x - dest_x) >> 1;
        if (the_panel->step_size != 0)
                if (src_x < dest_x)
-                       for (x = src_x; x < dest_x; x += the_panel->step_size) {
+                       for (x = src_x; x < dest_x; x += ((half - abs(x - mid))>>2) + 1) {
                                move_window(GTK_WINDOW(the_panel->window), x,
                                /* FIXME: do delay */
-                       for (x = src_x; x > dest_x; x -= the_panel->step_size) {
+                       for (x = src_x; x > dest_x; x -= ((half - abs(x - mid))>>2) + 1) {
                                move_window(GTK_WINDOW(the_panel->window), x,
                                /* FIXME: do delay */

-russ <>
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