Re: File dialog (was: Re: First UI component needing replacement.)

Christian Rose <> writes:

> Dylan Griffiths wrote:

> > I've also tweaked the buttons.  I replaced the "cancel" button
> > with the "close" button, since "cancel" will not rollback any
> > operations performed in the dialog on any systems I have ever
> > seen.
> No no no, it should be "Cancel". It is and has always been "Cancel" in
> all file dialogs I have ever seen.

I think Dylan's point was referring to "file dialog as mini file
manager".  Basically, you hit cancel after creating a new directory
and the new directory won't go away.

Alan Shutko <> - In a variety of flavors!
90 days, 14 hours, 54 minutes, 27 seconds till we run away.
Warp 7 -- It's a law we can live with.

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