Re: I think we need this (implemented) bugzilla feature

>From: Maciej Stachowiak <mjs eazel com>
>Mark Gordon <mtgordon ximian com> writes:
>> Maybe if there were a way to specify a central machine that would then
>> route the bug to a bts that you can some how specify.  I'm picturing
>> a bug transfer agent or something of the sort.
>It seems like overkill to insert another server into the system just
>to dispatch transferred bugs to the right location. It would probably
>be simpler to just hack bugzilla to let you specify what other
>bugzilla instance to transfer the bug to on a case by case basis.
>Another problem is that the Red Hat, Eazel, Ximian, GNOME, AbiSource
>and Mozilla bugzilla instances do not all use the same set of fields
>or the same valid values for all fields; I imagine the bug transfer
>feature is not designed with this in mind.

Maciej makes an excellent point here. I think it would be better to have:

- a configuration mechanism that identifies the appropriate bug-tracking system
  for bugs in each GNOME module
- the configuration could also specify a template (e.g. a libglade XML
  file) to request the right information for that module via a GUI
- the bug info should finally be sent in a generic XML format to the designated
  bug-tracker (XML slightly tweaked for each target bug-tracker)

As an aside from the main thrust of this discussion, if you are an
administrator, you may not want every user to be writing bug reports. It
would be nice if bug-buddy supported a mode that silently recorded
some information about the crash in a logfile and (optionally)
displayed an information message. Some useful features here would be:

- bug-buddy can be configured to silently log bug info (user-name, time,
  date, module, crash signal?, execution time?, ...), either for all
  modules or just for specific modules
- determine the message (from a .po file) to be displayed if bug-buddy
  is not going to display a GUI to input bug details (again, can configure
  if no message is shown for a specific module)
Bug-buddy is a cool feature in support of hackers working on complex
projects, but it's not ideal for example for a user who just wants to do
office productivity in a nice customizable desktop environment.


>Maciej Stachowiak
>Eazel, Inc.
>gnome-hackers mailing list
>gnome-hackers gnome org

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