Re: Panel Status - GNOME 2.0


On 17 Nov 2001, Glynn Foster wrote:

> - Applets
> Actually I think this is the most promising bit for the GNOME 2.0 panel.
> Applets are now bonobo controls and work is progressing very well for
> this. Actually Mark could fill you in more about this because he's been
> doing most of the work. In any case, the controls have context menus,
> can be moved around and oriented. They are looking quite funky. The old
> applet api is being deprecated/trashed.

	My aim here is to get a new workable applet's api as soon as
possible so people can get porting applets. I hope it will be a more
concise api than previously, but it won't be too difficult to port
from the old api.

	What's working at the moment? I've a simple little test applet
that can be loaded, has a context menu, tooltips  and can respond to
panel orientation changes.

	Hopefully things will be far along enough soon so that I can
write up a short porting doc so applets work can progress :-)

Good Luck,

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