Re: CVS modules for translations

sön 2003-12-28 klockan 22.58 skrev Malcolm Tredinnick:
> Client-side CVS does not support symlinks. It is not impossible to user
> them inside the repository, but the support is not really there (which
> is why Danilo is suggesting using loginfo to update them). This approach
> does not really fill my heart with excitement, since screwing around in
> the CVS repository could go horribly wrong.

Seconded. I guess any solution that requires some non-trivial amount of
CVS surgery probably won't be very much appreciated from admin
land, both since there is a big question of how and by whom such a thing
would be maintained, and also the quite frightening possibilities of
such potential fiddling, with the cvs server that the whole project
depends upon, going wrong. If anyone wants to do such a thing in cvs
they are very likely better off doing it with their own cvs server


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