Re: Mistranslations in gtk


On Fri, Jan 14, 2005 at 09:03:20AM -0500, Matthias Clasen wrote:

> progress bar label|%d %%
> the part before the | is likely a prefix that is only added to make the
> msgid more unique. If in doubt, check if the source code uses Q_(). If
> it does, the translation should only contain the part after the |.

Use of a single "|" for that purpose is a very bad choice,
as there are plenty of cases where it is legitimate to have
a "|" appear.

Why don't we follow the same format created by KDE for
that purpose?, eg: "_: progress bar label\n%d %%"
the likeliness of having a legitimate "_: .....\n" sequence
are near zero, contrary to other schemes used for that purpose.

Plus, that format is widely used, and some po file editors
ricognize it already.
> Would it be useful to come up with a convention to make these cases
> more obvious in the pot files ? Would e.g.

Yes, it would; but please, use the already existing convention
used in KDE instead of reinventing the wheel!

It would be a big plus if that could be standardised in such a way.

Ki ça vos våye bén,
Pablo Saratxaga		PGP Key available, key ID: 0xD9B85466
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