Re: Idea for next Journal

That would  be perfect for GNOME Journal.


On 6/25/07, Lucas Rocha <lucasr gnome org> wrote:
Hi Thomas,

> Congrats on pushing out another edition of Gnome Journal.


> I'm thinking about writing an article for the next Gnome Journal. I
> just thought I'd ask you if you thought it would be
> interesting/appropriate.
> I was thinking I would write about the Pimlico PIM Suite by Opened
> Hand, as I think it raises some interesting issues surrounding the
> future of the Gnome/GTK technologies. I was just wondering though,
> seeing as this is not a Gnome project, would it still be appropriate
> for the Gnome Journal?

An article about Pimlico would be awesome! Actually, some time ago I
asked Ross Burton and Chris Lord (Pimlico developers) to write an
article about it but they were too busy. So, it would be nice if you
could talk to them to get some more information about the project, if


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