Re: GNOME Journal Issue 16 - GUADEC Special Edition Update

Hi everyone, I have a brief update on Issue 16.

It had been my hope to have Issue 16 published this Saturday, Aug 15th, but I'm running behind.  I'm disappointed I haven't heard from 3 authors regarding their articles (I did hear from one) and our proposed 7 articles for this issue is now down to 3:

* Behind the Scenes with Lucas Rocha (Paul Cutler)
* Writing Open Source conference recap (Paul Cutler)
* Putting the Network Back Into GNOME: An Interview with John Palmieri (Paul Cutler)

Pardon my frustration, but I can't do it all, and we need some more volunteers!  I don't want to see us lose the momentum we've been building this year.  If anyone has suggestions on things I or we can do differently, please let me know.

Editors:  Is anyone around this weekend to help edit articles?  The interview with Lucas is ready and I'll have it uploaded tonight, and my article is 90% done, and I have some work to do on the J5 interview.

I'm also slightly behind in launching Issue 17, which will be a multimedia issue.  Jorge, can I count on you for some help in finding some volunteers to write articles?  I have a couple lined up already, but we can use some more and some coordination.  I'll send a separate email to launch Issue 17.



On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org> wrote:
Sri, Ken and Jon:  Can you please let me know if you are still planning on contributing an article for GNOME Journal?  Articles are due today for editing.



On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Paul Cutler <pcutler gnome org> wrote:
Hello GNOME Journal team and article authors!

A brief update on issue 16, our GUADEC special edition.  Articles are due in about 10 days on Saturday, August 8th.  That will give editors one week to proof and update the articles, and the editors time to format the articles for Textpattern prior to publishing on August 15th.

We have 7 articles currently planned for Issue 16 - if you think you might be late with your article, or can't complete it, please let me know ASAP.

Thank you for taking the time to write an article for GNOME Journal.  From the comments I received at GUADEC, I know it's appreciated.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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