Re: Need writers/interviewers for Issue 24, "People of GNOME"

Hi All,

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 5:56 PM, Sumana Harihareswara <sumanah panix com> wrote:
My suggested plan for the next two issues:

No. 24, "People of GNOME," articles due 15 May, to be published 30 May.  Paul's on board with this theme.
No. 25, "3.x Roadmap," articles due 15 June, to be published 30 June.  Paul, what do you think of this theme?

I need interviewers for this issue.  I'm happy to assign you an interviewee, or you can think of a person in GNOME who you think doesn't get enough attention -- look in for people we have not interviewed yet.

I'd like at least five more volunteers to do interviews.  And if anyone wants to write up an article summarizing our community statistically, I'd love that too.  Contact me, Paul, or the mailing list.

And think about writing for the next issue, especially about the 3.x roadmap.


As they say, "Long time listener, first time caller . . . ".  

I will be at UDS this coming week, and could arrange to interview someone from the Gnome community. Thing is . . .  I'm not sure who. I know that Canonical events might not have a ton of Gnome hackers, but there must be someone there to talk to. 

Is there anyone in this list that stands out as someone who might be a good person to interview?.



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