Re: Icons and document-types

> PS: Isn't that area under tight control of the gmc team/author
> (M.d.I)?  I wander what Miguel thinks about it? 

It is not under tight control.  I am just waiting for the thread to
come up with some consensus before coding anything.

Right now the file manager is using a file called mc.ext (for
historical reasons) that provides actions based on: The file type (by
using the file command and parsing the output), or the file name (by
using regular expressions on the file name).  

Then a list of tags for each match is listed:  Some of them are
reserved (Open, View, Drop, Icon, Include) and the rest are just
included in a context-popup for the user to use.

In the future, I want to move away from this setup and use a
mimelnk-like style setup:  First of all, instead of relying on the
current output of the file command, I would like to use KDE's idea of
having a magic file that maps the file contents to a mime-type and
extend the existing magic file with user-defined and system-extended
magic bits (ie, package drops /opt/gnome/lib/jpeg.mime file, and the
file manager will auto-pick this).

Then, the existing mc.ext file, will use mime-types for this sort of


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