Hello, ...

concerning all this ole or not ole stuff, i want to put forward another approach.

it appears to me that all what you want to do (or ayt least most part of it) was done elegantly and without wasting much resources with the amiga's arexx port .

it worked fine on a 1992 14MHz 68020, and did most of the things you want to have.

each application provided an arexx port where to which other application could talk, so you could reemplace for example one editor with arexx bindings by another one and such on.

It is sad that there are so few amiga users on this project, (or ex amiga users) because i think that there are yet some fields in which the amiga way of doing things could be very useful for gnome (another field was the datatypes that were discussed som
e time ago.).

I find it sad that what you take as model for the gnome project are the two most bloated os's that were developped. Windows, and to a lesser extent MacOS.

Have a look at the other alternatives, amiga, atari, the Xerox machine, that invented the desktop, all had ways of doing tings efficiently with limited ressources. and i think that we need something similar here.

Sorry for the ranting, but when i began to hear all this OLE vs opendoc stuff, a big fear began to grow in me. 
Will gnome, in which all the linux community bets his future, go the microsoft way ? and there are reasons why aplle droped opendoc.

BTW, have a look at Directory OPUS for the amiga (site : they make a great desktop/file manager for amigaos and plan to release an window version nextly.



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