Re: GNOME Database kit

Hi I'm back :)

On 06-Aug-98 Jan Kellmer wrote:
> Mario Filipe wrote:
> I'm very interested in that paper!

        Damn diskettes! I wrote a nice little paper in Word! This morning when
I was about to convert it to html... the disk decided that it was a good ideia
to hava a bad block on the exact place where i placed the .doc (and the
backup). Probably rewrite it during this afternoon of tonight!

> Of course, I want much more functionality for the application. I'm thinking
> about a full featured database development environment, that uses gEdit as
> editor (or emacs or vi or joe or ...), a gnomified debugger, a gnomified
> glade
> and a front end to do the table setup and maintenance, a QBE designer, a
> report
> designer, an assistant to set up some basic databases (CD, video, etc),
> everything independent from the underlying db server.
> Just like Paradox :-)

        YES! Some of these features I hadn't thought about but other definitely!

        When i rewrite the paper I'll put your ideias in it!

        Mario Filipe
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