Re: Is it a proper CVS dep tree?

Tom Tromey writes:
 > I'd be suprised if the SM specs are related to POSIX in any way.

Suprised me too! Section 8 of xc/doc/specs/SM/SMlib.txt:

Name                 Type          POSIX Type       Required?
SmCloneCommand       OS-specific   SmLISTofARRAY8      Yes
SmCurrentDirectory   OS-specific   SmARRAY8            No
SmDiscardCommand     OS-specific   SmLISTofARRAY8      No*
SmEnvironment        OS-specific   SmLISTofARRAY8      No
SmProcessID          OS-specific   SmARRAY8            No
SmProgram            OS-specific   SmARRAY8            Yes
SmRestartCommand     OS-specific   SmLISTofARRAY8      Yes
SmResignCommand      OS-specific   SmLISTofARRAY8      No
SmRestartStyleHint   SmCARD8       SmCARD8             No
SmShutdownCommand    OS-specific   SmLISTofARRAY8      No
SmUserID             SmARRAY8      SmARRAY8            Yes

xsm and smproxy use SmARRAY8 for the SmDiscardCommand.
gnome follows "POSIX" and uses SmLISTofARRAY8 for the SmDiscardCommand.


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