Re: File selection dialog changes

On Tue, 15 Dec 1998, John R Sheets wrote:

> Yipes!  Think this one through very carefully!  Consider the
> following quote from the Interface Hall of Shame, in a section
> devoted specifically to addressing the faults with Windows'
> common dialogs:
> >   Attention Deficit Disorder 
> > 
> > An application uses the common Open File dialog simply
> > to allow you to specify the file to be worked on.  Why 
> > is it then, that the Open File dialog allows you to 
> > rename files, delete files, create new folders, send 
> > files to the printer, send a fax, save a file to a 

I actualy find this rather useful.  For example.  I go to save a
file and create a new directory to put it in.  Or I go to save a 
file, and find three files of the same type.  I then open each, to
see what it has in it.  I then find the one I intend to replace, I 
rename it , and then I save my file using the selected name.

Granted, the CFileDialog lets you do tons of stuff, but I come upon 
the above mentioned use cases rather often -- often enough that I like 
the dialog box with all of its bells and whistles.  There is always
room for improvement of course...

> Later,
> John
> P.S.--To shed some light on my comments, I'm also a MFC hack at
> work and a Linux geek at home, pining for a 100% Linux
> existence.  (c:

I hear you brother.  Me too.  If you find a way to do 100% Linux,
please feel free to share ;-) 

Erik B. Andersen   Web: 
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