RE: GNOME registry

At 09:45 31-12-98 -0700, you wrote:
>At 08:08 AM 12/31/98 -0800, you wrote:
>>All I am saying, is if we want to implament something like the registry, it
>>would be "a good thing" to be able to configure sendmail, ftp, apache, and
>>other non gnome programs the same way. A standard "everything" config
>>library would work well for this.
>How about we not worry about how the information is stored (all though
>a generic method or two), and instead work on a CORBA interface that all 
>applications give some unified way to switch settings. 
>The reason for that is two fold:
>-) Sendmail has vastly different configuration information (and needs) then 
>say .xmodmap or gmc. 
>-) The power users will get ticked off if we remove text interfaces ;-)
Why can't we use some XML-like standard for the config files? I want 
to be able editing everything with my old-school vi.

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