Menu UI issues

Okay, the way menus currently work is you have the menu bar at the top
of the application.  A user can click in that bar and that brings up a
menu.  But why can't the menu bar itself be a menu?  Assign a popup
menu to the right-hand button which has the contents of the menu bar.
if the user pins it into the window, then it acts like a menu bar, and
one of the items on that menu gets assigned to the right button.  They
can also pin other menus that get popped up from the menu bar.

Obviously, by default, the top-level menu gets pinned to the top of
the application window, which gives them a familiar UI.

There ought to be a way to work a toolbar into this same system, so
that a toolbar is just another menu with icons that a user can pin
into their application window.

[ warning: this is a stealth pie menu message ]

-russ <>
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