Re: ANNOUNCE: Style Guide available for review.

On Thu, 12 Feb 1998, Christopher Blizzard wrote:

> The new style guide is available at the gnome site at:
> This is the first revision and should be considered a
> draft.  I am looking for feedback and additions to the
> policy lists.  Thanks!
> --Chris

This style guide is exactly the type of thing that turned
me off of KDE the first time I read theirs.  Please allow
me to explain.

  "At least a single menubar should... "

That is not correct.  A calculator may be an application which does 
not require a menubar.  Also, what about a app like gmix.  Or an 
even simpler volume changer?  What about a MIDI player tool like
KDE has?  A menus should *not* necessarily be on these apps.

The style guide needs to explain *why*.

  "The menubar must contain at least two entires: 'File' and 'Help'".

The style guide needs to explain *why*.  Why not 'Task' for Gtt
for example.  I want references; who says this?  Has there been 
some research which explains why this should be?

  "Applications should not allow users to change the default
   bindings for common operations."

I'm not convinced that isn't a typo.  I definately have no intention
of following it.  The style guide needs to explain *why*. 

My only point is it needs to explain *why*.  It needs to give specific 
examples and explainations, not be a list we have all noticed about 

The style guide must be in CVS, and should use DocBook.  This will
allow poor souls like myself without an account on to 
assist with this document, even if only by giving patches.

Shawn T. Amundson		Complete Internet Solutions
Senior Systems Administrator	Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

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    i, do exist.

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