Re: Reflections on Gnome from longtime GUI User..

> Gnome Search-Needs some interface enhancements
>         First: Don't put the "Access command line" function there. If
> people wanted to use the command line they would use a shell window.
> Second.. Have a little searching icon that does some sort of animation ala
> netscape while the app is looking for files. I never got to see the
> results dialog but it should link to the file manager or something like
> that.

The results go to standard output for now. I have preliminary code for
a result dialog, but I am holding off until I can access the file
manager through CORBA since that's the right way to do it (tm).

As for the "View command line" (not "Access comman line") function,
that's there not to let you edit the command line, but to let you
generate find command lines interactively which you could then use in
shell scripts or on the command line or what have you, or so that you
can learn the find syntax. I think this is a useful feature and I
think it's accessibility through an expander button is unobtrusive,
and it really serves a rather different purpose than a shell window.

As for the animation, that can't really be done from Guile-Gtk
currently, as far as I know, since Gdk functions are not yet
available. But I will look into it.

 - Maciej Stachowiak

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