New GnomePixmap widget

Hello, fellow hackers

I have written a simple GnomePixmap widget.  Its purpose is to make
using pixmaps as easy as possible.  This is all that there is to it:

	GtkWidget *gpixmap;

	gpixmap = gnome_pixmap_new_from_file ("hello.jpg");
	... insert in container, etc ...
	gtk_widget_show (gpixmap);

GnomePixmap takes care of all the icky X stuff like matching visuals,
colormaps, etc.

The idea is to replace the old and ugly gnome_create_pixmap_*()
functions, which were rather clunky.  If you use pixmaps in your
applications, please use GnomePixmap.

GnomePixmap uses Gdk_Imlib for its work.  This means that Gdk_Imlib is
now a required part of Gnome.  Please install it if you have not yet
done it.  Gdk_Imlib is a very cool thing to have around.

I will be converting most of Gnome to use the GnomePixmap widget
instead of the old gnome_create_pixmap_*() functions.  If you can help
with this for things not in the gnome_* modules, I would appreciate it
a lot :-)


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