Re: a few notes on gncal

> It would be great if I could use "C-x C-c" to quit any Gnome app, 
> and have it written like that on the menus. A Gnome-wide accelerator 
> editor would be very impressive.

I am for being able to configure all Gnome apps through a central
control panel or other mechanism. This is something that should be 
done, and quickly so there are not a bunch of apps produced that have 
the authors prefered commands hardwired into them.

> Of course, the defaults should be good for newbies: "control q",
> written like that. (Having said that, many PCs have Ctrl printed on
> their control keys, so maybe by default it should autodetect :-)

Speaking of this, most PC keyboards these days also have those 3 
useless win95 keys. Can we say more accellerators! Mac's also have
3 accelerators (command, control and option). I have also seen some
Paynix keyboards that have special keys, or ones with special names.
It would be nice if Gnome adapted the accelerator names to what is
written on the keyboard. It would be even nicer for Gnome to have 
something built in that would allow the placing of icons that stand
for all the different accelerator keys on the menus, kinda like in
MacOS. If not, the prefix (ctrl. vs control, etc.) should be 

> I'm only playing with Gnome at the moment, so these are just the
> opinions of an interested bystander. I guess my desire for
> extensibility and configurability show me to be an Emacs weenie as
> much as my desire to quit an app with "C-x C-c" does.

I kinda like C-x C-c in text editors, but prefer Ctrl-q in others.
I just don't want to force my preferences on others.


# Zack Williams #
#                                                                 #
# "Criminals today have guns. Soon they will have computers and   #
#       other weapons of mass destruction." - Janet Reno          #

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