Re: Gnome Status Report

On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, Elliot Lee wrote:
> 	gncal 3.
> 		Right now it's just a wrapper for gtkcalender by the looks
> 		of it. Snorfle wants to write his own calendar program,
> 		so we may have to use bits from his in our own
> 		program instead of having one solution.

I think that is somewhat incorrect.

Gtkcalendar is being targetted for use in more than on application,
we just aren't that far along yet to put it in a library.  My intended 
use of the widget was gncal, as I don't have a specific need for it 
yet anywhere else.  (Can't speak for Cesar Miquel, he has his own uses 

gcalendar which is in cvs was meant only as a test case for the
widget, but now we have some cool ideas for how we can extend it
into something more; none of these things even come close to what
gncal will be doing as a ical-type program.

There is no duplication thus far, only work in progress. ;-)

Shawn T. Amundson		Complete Internet Solutions
Senior Systems Administrator	Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

while (i) { last }
    i, do exist.

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