Re: compiling mico, libmicoaux

Dirk Luetjens <> writes:

> Hi,
> On 28 Mar 1998, Juri P Pakaste wrote:
> > I'm trying to compile GNOME from CVS. I read about the circular
> > dependency stuff with mico, but I hit the libmicoaux requirement even
> > if I don't run configure with --enable-gtk. This is what happens if I
> > just run ./ && make:
> > 
> > c++  -DCPP=\"/usr/bin/cpp\" -I. -I../include -I/home/jurip/files/gnome-cvs/mico/./include/ministl -O   -fno-exceptions -fexceptions -O0 -L. -L../orb -L/usr/local/lib -rdynamic -L../auxdir main.o ../ir/ir_impl.o -lidl -lmico2.0.5 -lreadline -lncurses -ltermcap -lfl -ldl -lelf -lnsl -lm  -lmicoaux2.0.5  -o idl
> > /usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lmicoaux2.0.5: No such file or directory
> > 
> > So, what now?
> If you compiled without --enable-gtk, just go into the the idl directory
> and start the same command than above without "-lmicoaux2.0.5" form
> commandline. It should produce an idl binary without any unresolved
> symbols. In this case micoaux is obsolete.

Thanks - in fact, I just checked out a new version of mico that
someone said he/she had fixed, and it helped, and for the first time,
I got the whole thing compiled. Whee :-)

Now, the next problem is Imlib sigsegving if it tries to load anything
(with a Millennium II, XF86_SVGA 3.3.2 running in 24 bpp), which is a
known problem, apparently.

[ Juri Pakaste / / <URL:> ] 

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