Re: Panel loading problems

On 15 May, Toshio Kuratomi shouted:
->  On Thu, 14 May, 1998 at 09:09:23PM -0400, Alexandre Biron set free these words:
->  > I am using CVS, and since I tried to install the panel, I was never been
->  > able to load it correctly.  It loads, but doesn't show anything on it
->  > except the clock, and gives me these errors:
->  > 
->  > /convert: no such file or directory
->  > gdk_imlib: cannot load anything.xpm
->  > /bin/anytopbm: unrecognized format in anything.xpm
->  > 
->  > or somethings like this.  What is that /convert file?
->  I believe convert comes from ImageMagick and is a program that Imlib can use
->  to convert between image formats (if it doesn't have a native routine.)

no - the error u are getting is imlib not being able to natifle loa
dand fallign back to somehtng else. anythign.xpm probably doesn't exist
and thus donesn't get loaded.. :)

->  You might try redhat for rpms (i believe there are copies somewhere on
->  or
->  for the main distribution.  I would have thought Imlib would have someway to
->  load xpm's natively, but I guess not.
->  -Toshio

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