Re: [Color Blindness - Modeling Images as Seen by Red/Green Defic ient]

Donnie Barnes <> writes:

| As long as these "alerts" are configurable I can set them
| to something meaningful for me.  Some folks really can't, though, as
| their color blindness is VERY limiting.  For those, all you really
| need is the ability to flash different rates or something.  Those
| folks are *really* rare and are likely very used to dealing with these
| types of issues in other ways so you may not need to bother at all.  It's
| probably not PC to say, but I think it's pretty safe to ignore that
| situation at least until someone complains.  I doubt anyone ever would.

I think the traffic lights are the best solution. It is only necessare
to put different colors in different places. For example a small green
progress bar next to a alarm led:

  +-------------+ +--+
  |XXXXXXXXX    | |XX|
  +-------------+ +--+

I think it will be possible to put this in a icon. A statusbar could
have some more leds and perhpaps also in different colors. If you put
the different colors in different places the program will work even on
gray or monochrom displays.


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