Re: panel communications ??

Please stick to 75 char lines. 

>>>>> "pm" == Philippe Moutarlier <>
>>>>> wrote the following on Thu, 5 Nov 1998 16:22:01 +0100

pm> I am trying to get fvwm-pager to run with my fvwm2 window manager.
pm> Each time it aborts saying :

pm> Could not communicate with the panel 

pm> Aborting.

pm> This happens in applet_widget_init. I was wondering if the first
pm> argument has to be the exact name of the actual application (say
pm> fvwm-pager) ? 

pm> Otherwise, somebody pointed to me that my DISPLAY environment
pm> could be wrong. I tried to set it up tp :O.O BEFORE starting X but it
pm> doesn't do any good. In any case corba starts with something like : 

pm> [] (DISPLAY-0)=IOR ...

pm> Or it looks like I should have DISPLAY-:0.0 instead. Could
pm> somebody point me to the right direction ? 

First the explanation, workaround in the second paragraph

You are using the gnome session manager. Right?
Then the problem is the DISPLAY environment variable. The session
manager sets the display variable to the result of
gdk_get_display() (file gnome-core/gsm/main.c line 90). This result
doesn't include the screen numeber (for example: `:0.0' means display
0 and screen 0). So the DISPLAY env variable set up by the session
manager is `:0' the DISPLAY env variable set up by fvwm2 for it's
clients and modules is `:0.0'. The panel and it's applets use the
DISPLAY variable to find their comminication channel (the IOR string)
and a cookie to set up security. The key for these values is the
DISPLAY variable. So all applets started formt the window manager
(directly like the fvwm-pager module, or indirectly like from the cmd
line in a xterm window).

To solve this problem you have to duplicate the IOR entries and the
cookie entry. The IOR entry is in the file ~/.gnome/CORBA-servers
And they look like `DISPLAY-:0=H8934H9F3H934H8934H893.....' you have
to copy these entries ion a new line and change the key values from
DISPLAY-:0 to DISPLAY-0.0. The the fvwm-pager should start and you wil 
be able to start applets from the cmdline in a xterm window of from
applications started from the winow manager.
Michael Lausch/g.a.m.s. edv dienstleistungen gmbh
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