Re: Problems with gnome window hints

>>>>> "raster" == raster  <> writes:

-> 2. If #1 isn't feasible, add a way for clients to detect when a
-> winning wm starts up.  Then change the clients to detect this
-> situation and modify their behavior accordingly.  This scenario
-> avoids the problem because it doesn't matter if the panel wins the
-> race -- it will change its behavior once it sees that E starts up.

raster> to detect a WM appearing or dissapearing the app has to:
raster> 1. select on propertychangenotfy's on the root window. If
raster> there is currently no gnome WM there then wait till the
raster> _WIN_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK changes - when it does perform a
raster> chekc for the WM chekc window it poitns to.. if thats there -
raster> select on it for destroys (structurenotify) then sit around -
raster> whenevr that window is destroyed the WM went away - set status
raster> of WM to 0 and re-initialise all toplevel windows (or modify
raster> them for a workaround when no WM is around) o bakc to non WM
raster> there state and wait for a property change/.. if the WM starts
raster> up re-init the windows (or modify then unmap and remap them)
raster> to work... it's not pretty.

It might not be pretty, but at least it is reliable.
Starting the wm before everything else isn't even that.


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