Re: Debian gnome packages writes:

>   I just tried to upgrade the Debian packages, and I can't even check
> whether the programs in them work because the package dependancies were
> screwed up by the new package files and apt refuses to download
> anything.
>   The packages with dependancy problems are:
> * libgtktty0 - says it depends on libgnome0 (= 0.27-2)

libgtktty0 is obsolete, and not used by anything in the new Gnome.
There is no new version of it.  You should remove it from your system.
That will clear up the conflict.

> * gnome-control-center - says it depens on gnome-core, libgnome0,
> giflib3g, libgtop0, and libgnome0 (again!)

It shouldn't really list libgnome0 twice, but that's harmless.


 - Jim

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