Re: Netscape and Gnome

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 wrote:

> You're probably swapping.  Gnome is nice, but at this point it is
> an incredible memory hog... it drives me nuts on my machine with
> 90 megs of RAM; I can't imagine the pain of running it with 16 megs.
> There is a Linux utility, "top" that will tell you what is happening
> with your memory usage - in particular how much swap and real memory
> are in use.  Try running this in an xterm while you start up these
> programs and you'll get a feel for what's going on.
> Note: the only worse memory hog than Gnome is Netscape - NS is
> efficient at first but it has had a memory leak for years... it
> keeps growing and growing...

FYI, I thought it may be helpful to include my own top info. Sorted by
memory, it speaks for itself:

  9:05pm  up 2 days,  8:08,  1 user,  load average: 0.28, 0.12, 0.03
52 processes: 51 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:  2.6% user,  3.0% system,  0.0% nice, 94.5% idle
Mem:   63448K av,  60056K used,   3392K free,  23212K shrd,   1332K buff
Swap: 128988K av,  24312K used, 104676K free                 17476K cached

  540 root       4   0 35828  26M  4288 S       0  2.1 42.1  27:05 X
 5425 jg         0   0 10968 8984  3304 S       0  0.0 14.1   0:54
  572 jg         0   0  3552 3212  1404 S       0  0.0  5.0   0:45 panel
 5987 jg         2   0  1960 1960  1296 S       0  0.4  3.0   0:03 Eterm
 5985 gnome      0   0  1936 1936  1372 S       0  0.0  3.0   0:00 pine
 5893 jg         0   0  1812 1812  1224 S       0  0.0  2.8   0:03 Eterm
  590 jg         0   0  2092 1624  1112 S       0  0.0  2.5   0:44
  543 root       0   0  1596 1520   496 S       0  0.0  2.3   0:17 xfstt
  553 jg         0   0  2184 1412   716 S       0  0.0  2.2   1:16
  584 jg         0   0  1572 1176   960 S       0  0.0  1.8   0:02
 4165 jg         0   0  1424  988   156 S       0  0.0  1.5   0:22 Eterm
  576 jg         0   0  1792  944   308 S       0  0.0  1.4   0:04 gmc

That's running three e-terms plus netscape, CDplayer applet (idle) and
Gnome Pager, and digital clock.

X and the panel are hogs.

James Green

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