Re: mounting/unmounting devices for newbies

Who wants it easy?  We HardCore users prefer doing things the 
hard way, the old fashioned way... :)

But it should be an option at least for the newbies to have them 
automount when you try and access the devices

Hmm, someone needs to add a "reply-to:" to the list serv...

> what with mounting/unmounting drives, I am wondering how people expect
> newbies to use removeable disks? As I see it, this is the major reason
> that my mom couldn't use Gnome/Linux. I think that for most things,
> window's way of dealing with disks makes a lot of sense if you don't
> understand what's going on underneith. To the user, the fact that the
> floppy/zip/cd is in the drive should mean that the computer sees it.
> with things like automount and "rescan mountable devices" it looks as
> though things arn't that easy yet.
> comments?
> --ben


Derek E. Mart
A+ Technician

"Cold-hearted orb that rules the night,
   Removes the colors from our sight.
 Red is gray and yellow, white,
   But we decide which is right
 And which is an illusion."

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