Re: SuSE and GNOME

Part of the problem, I think, is that they put everything in /opt/gnome,
but they don't reference any of the /opt/gnome directories where it would
be helpful (like in the bashrc and csh.cshrc files, etc). Thus you have to
muck around and find a good place to insert it in the PATH declarations
(and their shell RC files are some of the worst that I have seen).

My girlfriend was happy with SuSE until she tried to work with GNOME.
She's now given away her SuSE sets for 6.0 and 6.1 and is running rather
happily with Mandrake 6.0.

Nathan P. Clemons                       "Peace favor your code."                 ICQ: 2810688
IN CONSTRUCTION:              

On Sun, 4 Jul 1999, Miguel de Icaza wrote:

> So, I saw it with my own eyes.  GNOME as shipped in SuSE 6.1 is broken
> beyond hope.  I do not know what is going on, but the thing is hardly
> usable.
> I have seen detailed reports on GNOME problems with SuSE on this list
> and detailed problem listings.  Could these people please email the
> SuSE maintainers and try to get the fixes into the distribution? 
> They are taking suggestions to improve the GNOME state, but we need to
> send those over.  I am not running SuSE myself now so I can not do this.
> Please, help us.
> Miguel.
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