Re: Help with GNOME

> Okay I have REdhat 5.2 on an Intel machine...I just got all the GNOME RPMS says in the readme that to use GNOME I need to put exec gnome-session in either xsession, xclients, or /root dir has none of those..I don't have an account created for myself because I am not hooked to a network..and I can do everything prett well from the root login..Can someone help me please

You don't need to be connected to a network to have a user account. You
can create one using the useradd command - type "man useradd" to see the
manual page. I recommend you do this as soon as possible, because it's
easy to make a mistake as root which will take you hours to fix. A user
account is safe to use when you're tired.  :)

The names of the X config files start with a . (.xinitrc, .Xclients,
.xsession) so they are not visible in a normal directory listing. Dotfiles
are the equivalent of DOS/Windows hidden files. Type "ls -A" to see a list
of all the files (including dotfiles) in a directory.

If you log in at the console and then run X using startx, create a file
called .xinitrc in you new user account's home directory and put the line

exec gnome-session

in it. That's all you need. If you have a graphical login screen and you
go straight into X, I think you need to create a file called .Xclients
which contains the lines

exec gnome-session

(but I'm not sure because I use startx).

Hope this helps,

Michael Rogers

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