Re: Writing Tool

> It is my understanding that, at least here in the New York area, many
> journalists/editors used to use (and maybe some still use) the DOS
> editor XyWrite.  (Emacs might be described as "XyWrite on steroids."
>:) )  While most probably now use Word, I'm not sure that means they
> would "run screaming" at the sight of a command line.

The "run screaming" line was from an editor at the Baltimore
Sun, who had used XyWrite when it was on the Baltimore Sun's
old DOS system. The day she got Word, she never looked back,
and said she would "run screaming" if anyone ever tried her
to use XyWrite or WP 5.1 or anything with text commands ever

Again, I'm saying, I or someone else needs to go to a few
writers' meeting and ask around. Some questions on HTML
writers' lists would also be a good idea. It is probably
impossible to come up with one or even two writing tools
that will satisfy everyone, but finding out what at least
some working writers like and don't like would be good. 

- Robin Miller

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