E and GNOME not the right way?

I was wondering what the GNOME community thinks about this quote from
Raster on Slashdot.

"E is not part of the gnome project thus it clashes in several departments
and will continue to do so"

I understand that E's development team has an agenda that is not parallel
with GNOME, and I respect that completely. I was wondering, what does this
mean for GNOME and I have a couple of notes to make.

1.) It appears RedHat is trying to make GNOME the default Window Manager
for GNOME. This will not be feasible due to the way they will clash (E will
eventually handle the desktop too if you don't know).  This will
POTENTIALLY negatively effect GNOME if RedHat continues this way - There
are many clashes alreayd with GNOME and E (i.e. right-clicking on your
desktop would bring up an E and GMC menu). Any ideas on this?

2.) Secondly, I think somebody writing a GNOME-specific window manager
would be a great thing for the GNOME project. Basically, somebody to code a
window manager that will 'fit' into the GNOME enviroment perfectly. This
doesn't mean somebody HAS to use - hell, I don't think it should be
included in gnome-core or gnome-libs (make it gnome-wm). A person can
CHOOSE to use it, or to choose anything else. It seems at the moment that
every WM has its own agenda, and with the lack of a clear GNOME WM
specification (hopefully the WM-spec list will rectify this - anyone know a
ballpark figure on this? (years, months, weeks?)) every WM has its own
agenda and own features that could potentially clash with GNOME.

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