Gmc Desktop and Enlightenment

This is a bug report (at least I suppose that's what it is).

Linux 2.2.1
Egcs 1.1.1
Glibc 2.1 (99.02.19)
Libtool 1.2d
Automake 1.4
Autoconf 2.13
CVS e, gnome, and deps
I have E's desktops setup similar to Window Maker with 5 workspaces (no
virtual windows, desktops [1 2 3 4 5]. Running Gmc for desktop launcher
icons (totally against my vocal creedo, I know, but since a side-panel'd
dock interferes with the dragbar in E, and there is no way -- AFAIK --
to drag windows between desktops w/o it using the panel as a
wmaker-esque dock is out of the question).

Gmc's root window clicks (right-click "refresh" menu and
click-to-deselect-all) don't work on E desktops other than 0. I think
this is an E problem since root-tail doesn't display on desktops other
than 0 as well. This is a *very* minor niggling, but is annoying

    Jim Cape

    "All animals are equal, some animals
     are more equal than others."
         -- George Orwell, Animal Farm

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