Re: more GMC ideas

> No, it is the X server's business...

Yes.  You're right here.

> Go look at your favorite server's documentation on how to
> tell the X server to synthesize a third button out of the
> two you have; it isn't ideal (buying a 3 button mouse is better),
> but it is alot better than nothing.

No need.  I've looked at the Xserver and it makes a lot of sense.
Xconfigure shows you how to set all those interrupts.

> But don't cruft up the window manager for it; the semantics should
> be tied to what the server is telling you.

I wouldn't dream of it. ;)


Sri Ramkrishna         /|\ Unix is very user friendly, its just very picky
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phone: 503-356-1078    \|/ 

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