Re: docbook installation

Ronald de Man wrote:
> I wonder how many persons have succeeded in installing
> docbook/gtk-doc/gnome-docu such that it actually works.
> For example where should DocBook DTD v3.0 be installed. You obviously
> can't put it anywhere without specifying the path in some other place,
> but where you have to specify what is cleverly hidden.

Well, I really don't know how and why, but finally I successfully compiled
gtk-docs. Short description of what I did:

1. Got jade, compiled it.
2. Got the docbook dtd thing, copied all files to /usr/lib/sgml/davenport/.
3. Got the The Modular DocBook Stylesheets from
   and copied everything to a directory /usr/lib/dsssl/stylesheets/docbook/.
4. Recompiled gtk-doc.

I really didn,t know what I was doing, I was simply guessing. The jade test
continues to produce lots of error messages. But who cares, if this shhould
be sufficient to prevent gnome compilations from failing.


  H. Henning Vossieck - -
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