Re: sound in Gnome

Thanks to all who responded, things look like they
(might) get where I'd like them to go soon...

My problems at the moment:

esd is running (from ps aux). I have issued an "esdctl unlock"
as root (though I think I don't need to do this -- I don't want
to execute sound from a remote host, which is what this seems
to allow... still, I guess it can't hurt much).

When I try "esddsp gqmpeg" (which is the app I'm trying to
run), It falls over with " can't load shared library"

The command "find / -name "libesddsp.*" -print" finds and -- no, so
no suprise it can't be found. 

Linking either of these to changes the error to
can't find Again, there's a .so.0 and a .so.2.8
on my system. Linking either of these to causes
seg faults and core dumps.

Does anybody have more info on how to set these up properly?


ps. When esd starts up it plays those beeps like you get at
the start of an audio cassette, so I guess it is starting
and using the sound Ok.

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