Re: GNU Midnight Commander 4.5.29 is released

Nope, I'm not running any gtk theme

>> * Clicking on floppy = mounting works
>> * Click on the unmount option = gmc crash
>> * Click on the mount option = gmc crash
>> * Delete option on desktop = gmc crash
>Are you running gtk themes?  Sometimes this stuff can crash gmc.  At the
>moment I would say that gtk themes makes GNOME unbalanced. :)
>> * right click on file in all views = crash, sometime
>>   also on desktop 
>Hmmm..this doesn't happen to me.
> sri
>Sri Ramkrishna         /|\ Unix is very user friendly, its just very picky
>email: -|- on who it is friendly to. -- Unknown? 
>phone: 503-356-1078    \|/ 
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